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David Mead Biography

David Mead has been consulting with small and mid-size businesses for more than 30 years. Dave and his team help companies move to the "next level of success" by focusing on strategies that companies can execute well and aligning all activities within the company to those key strategies.
Over the years, Dave started and ran seven companies. With a couple of great successes, a few moderate successes and one screaming failure under his belt, Dave knows from experience that we learn more from failure than success.
Dave has experience in growing technology, medical, manufacturing and distribution businesses and has served in positions such as president, CEO and general manager. He has had broad managerial, operational and profit and loss responsibilities for organizations such as Mountain Medical Equipment, Aegis Medical, Dycol Chemicals, Samsonite, Milton Bradley, Fisher Price, Hartford National Bank and Irving Trust Co. (Bank of New York).
Some highlights of Dave's career include:
  • In the 1970's, he sold a specialty chemical company to Fortune 400 company
  • In the 1980's, he was instrumental in leading the growth of a medical device company to $50 million in five years, while doing an IPO in the process.
  • In the 1990's, he founded medical technology company and sold it to a major pharmaceutical corporation.
  • In the 2000's, he developed and sold a regional consulting business to a private equity-backed group.

Dave is committed to improving the environment for small and mid-size businesses. He has been instrumental in developing peer groups for owners to exchange ideas and improve business practices. Dave also writes and speaks on a national basis about subjects that affect small and mid-size business. He walks-the-walk, serving many roles in the business community including the following.

  • Board member - Arrupe Jesuit High School
  • Board member/Chairman - Mentor Colorado (Colorado Mentoring Partnership)
  • Founding board member of Colorado Directors Institute helping to increase numbers, quality and training of potential board members.
  • Chairman and president of Association for Corporate Growth in Denver.
  • Board member - ACG Global.
  • Board member/Sponsorship Chair for Colorado Companies to Watch - boosting opportunities for second-stage growth companies.
  • Board member - Young Americans Center for Financial Education
  • Board member - Young Americans Bank
  • Board member of three private companies and previously for Chambers of Commerce in three cities.

It's all about results

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The Mead Consulting Group was developed specifically to meet the needs of small and middle market companies. We live in your community and serve as a part of your Executive Advisory Team.

We work with CEOs and senior executives.

We have senior people who have done it before in their own businesses.

We don't just produce reports - we help you and your team GET RESULTS.

We leverage your resources - we don't just "camp out" at your site.

We're specialists! We are not a firm with a consulting add-on.

It is our job to make YOU look good!